wedi Fundo Riolito
Tools | Herramientas | Outillage
Notch Trowel
Drill with Thinset Mixer
Utility Knife
Straight Edge /
Speed Square
Caulk Gun
T Square 5 ft (1524 mm) or longer
Flat Head Screwdriver
Cordless Drill or Hammer
Solid Putty Knife
Paper Towels
Circular Saw
Saw Horse
Tape Measure
Permanent Marker
Extension Cord for Powertools
ABS or multipurpose pipe cement glue
Inside PVC Pipe Cutter
Shop vacuum cleaner
Safety Glasses
Respirator Mask (N95)
Llana ranurada
Taladro con mezcladora
Cuchillo multiuso
Regla o regla T de al menos 5 ft (1524 mm) de mortero cola
Escuadra triangular de acero
Pistola para calafatear
Desarmador de punta plana
Martillo o taladro inalámbrico
Espátula sólida
Papel absorbente
Sierra circular
Cinta métrica
Rotulador permanente
Cable de extensión para
Cemento cola para tubería
Cortatubos para el interior
herramientas eléctricas
de ABS o multiusos
de tubería de PVC
Aspiradora de taller
Gafas de seguridad
Máscara de respiración (N95)
Truelle dentelée
Perceuse avec mélangeur
Couteau universel
Règle/Équerre en T de 1524 mm ou plus de ciment-colle
Équerre triangulaire
Pistolet à calfeutrer
Scie égoïne
Tournevis à bout plat
Perceuse sans fil ou marteau
Couteau à mastiquer rigide
Scie circulaire
Mètre ruban
Marqueur permanent
Rallonge pour outillage électrique
Ciment-colle pour tuyau polyvalente
Coupe tuyau PVC par l’intérieur
Aspirateur d’atelier
ou pour ABS
Lunettes de protection
Masque respiratoire (N95)
Have 2 × 4‘s blocks installed on base plate between and flush with front of
wall framing studs to best support wedi wall panel / shower base transition.
Subfloor is stable and loadbearing, flat and level, and meets deflection criteria
of maximum L/360 and requirements as per IRC. Wooden or concrete struc-
tural substrates are dry and sufficiently loadbearing considering live and dead
load. Wood and Steel framing is sufficiently loadbearing, plum and square.
Floor drain assembly below floor is stabilized, fixed and supported in position,
and will not sink under water load.
Only wedi products (Building Panels, Curb, Joint Sealant and Fasteners)
are used for wedi Fundo Shower System assembly.
Installer has received instructions from wedi technical sales staff or is infor-
med about proper installation methods as described.
wedi shower bases can be cut to size using a circular saw. The Z notch
channel must be remade and cleaned from sawdust or other possible conta-
Follow applicable state or local plumbing codes requiring specific and
dimensioned waterproofed areas for a shower system or other wet room
installation. Requirements in this manual supersede local plumbing codes;
they extend and are not in conflict. wedi Shower Systems or other wet
room installations in which non-wedi product is also used require specific
project recommendations by wedi and may reduce the extent and installa-
tion area of protection offered by wedi’s warranty.
Ensure that no fasteners are used and penetrate through any horizontal building
panel or shower base surfaces in shower or immediate wet rooms. This includes
tub decks, pony shower wall tops, curb tops made from building panels, seat
tops. wedi panels in such areas are installed in a full surface applied thinset
mortar setting bed.
Seams in the assembly, which are not flat transitions or right angle inside corner
connections, are treated with these extra steps:
1) Assembly parts are installed tight and offer a minimum of 1/2“ wide conti-
nuous contact/ adhesion surface between two parts, inside which wedi joint
sealant is continuously applied.
2) wedi joint sealant is applied over these seams topically, and 1” wide on both
sides of the seam.
3) wedi mesh tape is installed over these seams and covered with joint sealant
1” wide on both sides of the seam.
Prepare the installation / installation site