Using the Session Manager
5000 Mobile Terminal Product Guide (5000-REV2.21)
Chapter 6-59
tel>User:[User:]=<Wave> Pass:
>tel alog pass password: Net
tel>Auto-login: IP: Nodes: Any
tel>User:[User:]=<Wave> Pass:[password:]=<Net>
As with Auto-Connects, several host IP numbers with their respective Username/Password prompts
and responses can be configured, as well as deleted:
>tel alog add host
tel>Auto-login: IP: Nodes: Any
tel>User: Pass:
>tel alog name username: 3000
tel>Auto-login: IP: Nodes: Any
tel>User:[username:]=<3000> Pass:
>tel alog pass passwrd: PT
tel>Auto-login: IP: Nodes: Any
tel>User:[username:]=<3000> Pass:[passwrd:]=<PT>
>tel alog list
tel>Auto-logins are enabled
tel>1) Auto-login: IP: Nodes: Any
tel>User:[User:]=<Wave> Pass:[password:]=<Net>
tel>2) Auto-login: IP: Nodes: Any
tel>User:[username:]=<3000> Pass:[passwrd:]=<PT>
>tel alog del 1
tel>Deleting 1)Auto-login: IP: Nodes: Any
tel>User:[User:]=<Wave> Pass:[password:]=<Net>
>tel alog list
tel>Auto-logins are enabled
tel>1) Auto-login: IP: Nodes: Any
tel>User:[username:]=<3000> Pass:[passwrd:]=<PT>
>tel param save
tel>Telnet parameters saved
Note that when deleting Auto-Logins the list is renumbered with remaining Auto-
Connects numbered from 1.
Remember to save your Auto-Login list after you make changes!
Terminal TELNET Server
In order to facilitate monitoring and re-configuration of the terminal while operating in the 2.4 GHz
(Aironet) radio system, a
TELNET server
can be enabled in the terminal.
To configure this TELNET server, enter the following commands at the Console Session, or using the
external Console connector:
>tel listen for TCON
tel>Listen port: IP: Any At: 23 Nodes: Any Name: <TCON>
>tel param save