Using the Session Manager
5000 Mobile Terminal Product Guide (5000-REV2.21)
Chapter 6-53
The Putaway Screen shows a part number, a required quantity, and a location. These data items are
generated from a “dummy” database in the 7000 Base Controller.
The Quantity and Location Fields can be edited, and the changed information sent back to the 7000
Base Controller. The editing can be performed by keyboard, or bar code scanner input.
F9 Exits the Putaway Screen and returns the Menu Screen, while any other function key will pass the
data to 7000 Base Controller, and refresh the screen.
The Pick Screen
The Pick Screen shows a part number, a required quantity, and a location. These data items are
generated from a “dummy” database in the 7000 Base Controller.
The Quantity and Location Fields can be edited, and the changed information sent back to the 7000
Base Controller. The editing can be performed by keyboard, or bar code scanner input.
F9 Exits the Putaway Screen and returns the Menu Screen, while any other function key will pass the
data to 7000 Base Controller, and refresh the screen.
The Query Location Screen
The Query Location Screen shows a blank location, part number, and quantity. A location can be
entered, and the 7000 Base Controller will return the associated part number and quantity from the
“dummy” database. F9 Exits the Putaway Screen and returns the Menu Screen, while any other
function key will pass the data to 7000 Base Controller, and refresh the screen.
The RFID Screen
The RFID Screen allows scanning of a AAR standard Railcar AEI tag. If a appropriate AEI tag is
scanned, the following fields will automatically be updated with the AEI tag information, in the AAR
specified format :
1) Owner
2) Number
3) Side
4) Axles
5) Length
6) Type
Note that this format may not accurately report all AAR standard data fields for tags other than
Railcar tags (such as EOT, or Locomotive Dynamic Tags).
The Keyboard and Input fields can be used to capture additional keyboard or bar code data.
The ASCII field is used by the terminal to “dump” AEI tag data that does not conform to the AAR
standard Railcar AEI tag data format. If the Terminal decodes a AEI tag that it cannot decode into
some or all of the AEI fields present in this screen, it will simply place the data, in ASCII equivalent
form, in the ASCII field.