Function Description
757-801 Bluetooth® Module RS-232
Configurable channel map
The user can manually specify which frequencies are not used by the device
for data transfer and thus configure in advance one's own frequency usage
plan. Certain frequency ranges can be exclusively reserved for certain
technologies or devices. The AT command “AT ECO BLK” is used for this.
Configurable limitation of the transmit power
The user can specify limits for the transmit power initially used and for the
maximum transmit power that the device does not exceed during device
discovery and as part of automatically adjusting the transmit power. This
effectively limits the distance at which the transmit power can interfere with
other devices. The AT command “AT ECO TXPWR” is used for this.
Modified device discovery
The device can be set so that it does not continuously transmit for several
seconds, in contrast to typical implementations, during device discovery
(inquiry), but only for a maximum duration of 100 ms and at an interval of
at least 2 s, to ensure that the percentage of transmission activity (duty
cycle/media allocation) does not exceed 5%. The AT command “AT ECO
INQ” is used for this.
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Diagnostics Functions
The WSA enables export of diagnostics information via the AT command
interface. Available diagnostics information can be broken down into the
following groups:
Information about external devices that support the SPP
and which are within range (“AT RDEV”)
Information about link quality and activity (“AT STATUS”)
Information about the status of the WSA (“AT STATUS”)
A detailed description is provided in the following sections: “Reference AT
Commands”> … >“Group AT STATUS: Version and Status Information” and
“Reference AT Commands”> … >“Group AT RDEV: Devices within Range.”
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