757-801 Bluetooth® Module RS-232
If the external device is not equipped with a display and input means (e.g.,
touchscreen), or with an alternative form of automatic authentication, configure
the devices to be linked such that secure authentication is not required. This does
require however that the external device accepts informal authentication.
External Devices Based on Bluetooth
Standard 2.1 or
Higher Whose Security Settings Are Not Known
Devices that support the
standard Version 2.1 or higher and which do
not offer the user the option of configuring security settings often permit only
secure authentication. In this case, define the following settings in the WSA
Enter the MAC ID of the device concerned in the list of accepted devices
(see section “Reference AT Commands”> … >“AT BTSEC ADEV”).
Enforce secure authentication (see section “Reference AT
Commands”> … >“AT BTSEC AUTH”).
Secure authentication is enforced when the WSA is set such that only secure
authentication is accepted.
External Devices Based on Bluetooth
Standard 2.0 or
Older Whose Security Settings Are Not Known
Identical PINs must be selected for secure authentication of devices that support
Standard up to Version 2.0. If you do not know the PIN for the
external device, try “0000”, “1111”, “1234” or a blank character string as the PIN
settings. If none of these settings apply, authentication can only be informal. This
does require however that the external device also accepts informal authentica-
Other Recommendations
Authentication data can be stored in the devices during the authentication
procedure. For devices equipped with a display and input means this is frequently
signaled by the fact that user input is requested only on initial setup of a link.
Many devices offer the option of deleting or resetting stored authentication data.
Deleting/Resetting of this data at one device only may result in the other device
attempting to establish links using obsolete authentication data.
If authentication should fail repeatedly, it may be meaningful to delete the
authentication data in all of the devices involved and re-configure authentication.
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