Device Description
750-494 3-Phase Power Measurement Module
Version 1.2.0
Pos: 22 /All e Seri en (Allgemei ne Module)/Ü berschriften/Ebene 1/Gerätebeschr eibung - Ü berschrift 1 @ 3\mod_1233756084656_21.docx @ 27096 @ 1 @ 1
Device Description
Pos: 23 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Ger ätebeschrei bung/Ei nlei tung/Analogei ngangsklemmen/Gerätebeschr eibung - Ei nleitung 750- 0494 @ 14\mod_1362587768786_21.docx @ 113861 @ @ 1
The 3-phase power measurement module (also called I/O Module) measures the
electrical data in a 3-phase supply network.
The 3 phase voltages are measured via connection to L1, L2, L3 and N. The
currents are fed to IL1, IL2, IL3 and IN via current transformers. Based on these
input signals the I/O module calculates numerous values like voltages, currents,
powers (active, reactive and apparent), energies, power factors, phase shift angles
and frequencies. Furthermore, an analysis of harmonic waves is carried out up to
the 41
harmonic. The measured values are available in the process image.
Therefore, no high computing power is required from the higher-level controller.
The calculated values indicate whether the load is inductive or capacitive and
whether it consumes or generates energy. For this purpose a 4-quadrant display is
incorporated in WAGO-I/O-
The I/O module provides a great number of measured values for a comprehensive
supply network analysis via the fieldbus. By means of the measured values the
operator can regulate the supply to a drive or machine in the best possible way
and protect the installation from damage/failure.
The I/O modules 750-494, 750-494/025-000 measure currents up to 1 A and 750-
494/000-001, 750-494/025-001 measure currents up to 5 A.
Pos: 24 /D okumentation allgemei n/Glieder ungselemente/---Seitenwechsel--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.docx @ 21810 @ @ 1