6 Configure the Operation Modes Print Server Function
The NetCom
firmware allows the function as a Print Server
according to RFC1179, also called a »Line printer daemon«. A print server is accessed through
its IP Address via one specified TCP Port (see section
). Data is handled in distinct queues,
each with a certain name. Each queue is handled by a certain serial port, and the data is sent to
the serial printer attached to this port.
Port Nr.
Print Server
Figure 83: Print Server Configuration
Each serial port configured for Print Server operation has its separate
. The default
value is »lpd« plus port number. The
is a special feature of NetCom
. This string
is sent to the serial printer at the beginning of the next queued print job. The definition is in
9.2.1 on page 105
. Save
Web: menu “SERIAL CONFIGURATION”, at bottom.
Again at the bottom of the web page below all the serial port options there is the button
This will store all configurations done for the current group of serial ports. Selecting a different
group of ports or another configuration section from the menu may discard all changes done.
6.2.3 NetCom Tools
Several tools for system status, checks and debugging are available in the Firmware. The available
tools are:
• The Ping utility to check if a station is available.
• Statistic information for each serial port.
• The Netstat utility to monitor used TCP connections.
• The option to detect WLAN devices in the proximity (NetCom Plus with WLAN option
• The option to update the firmware.
September 2016
NetCom Plus User Manual