8 IP Modem Function
8.5.19 AT &K (handshake) [AT&K3]
or as alternative command . . .
8.5.20 AT \Q [AT\Q3]
Configure serial Flow Control. AT&K0 and AT\Q0 disable all Flow Control. The default is AT&K3
and AT\Q3 to use RTS/CTS Hardware Flow Control between PC and IP Modem. AT&K4 and
AT\Q1 configure for XON/XOFF Software Flow Control between PC and IP Modem. Other
Options are not supported.
8.5.21 AT &V (view profile)
Show Profiles. This will display the current profile, the stored user profile, the short dial strings
and the factory profile. Parameters are accepted but ignored. AT&V is AT&V0 and is AT&V1.
8.5.22 AT &W (save profile)
Save the current configuration as user profile. AT&W is the same as AT&W0, all other parameters
report an ERROR.
8.5.23 AT &Z (save destination)
This command will save a destination in Internet syntax. It is given by <host>:<port>. The
<host> is either an IP Address in dotted octet notation, or an FQN in correct syntax. The <port>
is a string representing a decimal number. If :<port> is omitted, the target port is the local TCP
Data Port as defined in the configuration of IP Modem (see
September 2016
NetCom Plus User Manual