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MAY 2021
RCVC 3000 - Red Circle Valve Controller
Installation, Operation, Maintenance Manual
Navigation Wheel Common Tasks
1. Local Manual Operation
2. Command Signal Calibration
3. Feedback Signal Calibration
4. Retransmission Signal Calibration
5. Reverse Valve Action
6. Edit Fail Modes
7. Edit Lockup Mode
8. Split Range Configuration
9. Determine RCVC Version
10. Zero Out Solenoid Count
#1 Local Manual Operation
1. Apply 24 VDC Power Supply to RCVC
2. SHORT PUSH Navigation Wheel on RCVC Head
to enter MANUAL mode.
3. Rotate Navigation Wheel AWAY (CW) to increase
valve position percentage (%).
4. Rotate Navigation Wheel to NEUTRAL (center)
position to hold position.
5. Rotate Navigation Wheel Toward (CCW) to
decrease valve position percentage (%).
6. Rotate Navigation Wheel to NEUTRAL (center)
position to hold position.
7. Return Navigation Wheel to Neutral (Center)
Rotation Position. SHORT PUSH Navigation
Wheel on RCVC Head to exit Manual mode.
RCVC display Header should read AUTOMATIC.
#2 Command Signal Calibration
1. Apply 24 VDC Power Supply to RCVC
2. SHORT PUSH Navigation Wheel on RCVC Head
to enter MANUAL mode.
3. LONG PUSH Navigation Wheel on RCVC Head to
enter MENU mode.
4. Select “Application” and SHORT PUSH to enter.
5. Select “Physcial I/O” and SHORT PUSH to enter.
Navigation Wheel