© 2016 Van Putten Instruments BV | MAN-VP-SMPR-UK | Revision:1600 | Date:23-03-2016
1.3 Date and time
Adjust date and time settings. First enter the menu option and set the date with the key pad. The
date is formatted as: DD-MM-YYYY. After setting the date, confirm with enter and then enter the
time settings in format: HH:MM:SS, again confirm with enter. The new date will become active
Date/time settings are kept actual by the real time clock. This clock is powered by a backup battery
which will power the clock when external power is removed. The life time of this battery is
approximately 1 week. If the battery is empty, date and time will reset to factory default: 1 January
2011. Date and time can also be synchronized with the computer when used with VPStudio 2.0.
1.4 Modbus address
The Modbus address can be changed with this option. Use the up and down buttons to change the
number. Available numbers 1 – 247.
After setting the number press enter to save the address. The power of the VPFlowScope probe
needs to be cycled to activate the new address.
1.5 Analogue output
1.5.1 Mode
The analogue output can be used in 3 different modes. You will need to choose one which can be:
4..20mA mode
Pulse mode
Alarm mode
1.5.2 Pulse settings
First select the desired unit, this can me m
or MSCF. Then adjust the desired pulse size.
1.5.3 4..20mA settings
Select the desired unit to route to the analogy output. There can only be 1 unit at a time. Now the
zero (corresponding with 4mA) and span (corresponding with 20mA) can be set.
1.6 Network
1.6.1 Ethernet
Change the IP address, Net mask and Gateway.
2 DAQ Sessions (
2.1 Change mode
The VPFlowScope M probe features 2 different data logging modes. Select the desired mode.
Changing the data logger mode will remove all stored data.
2.2 Start/stop session
(This option is only available when in multi-session mode)
The session will be started when you push the enter button after selecting this option. When the
session is started, the menu will close and the main screen will be shown. A blinking dot in the right
upper corner will indicate the running session. The menu will be blocked when a session is active.
2.2 Delete session
(This option is only available when in multi-session mode)
Select the desired session to be removed. Confirm removal by pressing enter.
2.3 Delete all
All sessions will be deleted. Confirm removal by pressing enter.
3 Alarm (
3.1 Mode
Select the desired alarm mode. See chapter alarm for information on all modes.
3.2 Unit
Select the desired measurement parameter alarm input