Mechanical installation
© 2016 Van Putten Instruments BV | MAN-VP-SMPR-UK | Revision:1600 | Date:23-03-2016
Replacing the VPSensorCartridge
When a VPSensorCartridge needs to be replaced, there is no need to remove the complete
assembly. The safety system can be left in place.
Step 1
1. Unscrew the safety lock
2. Push the safety lock downwards and lift the
safety line until it reaches the end stop.
Step 2
1. Apply pressure on top of the instrument, then
slowly loosen the compression fitting
2. Lift the probe gently, until the safety chain is
completely strained
3. Close the ball valve
Step 3
1. Unscrew the locking ring and slide it
2. Remove the safety cable from the
Step 4
Lay aside the VPFlowScope M Transmitter and
replace the used VPSensorCartridge