Mechanical installation
© 2016 Van Putten Instruments BV | MAN-VP-SMPR-UK | Revision:1600 | Date:23-03-2016
Assembling and installing the instrument
Step 1
1. Lift the safety cable
2. Slide the locking ring over the safety cable
3. Place the VPSensorCartridge through the locking
ring into the compression fitting
Step 2
1. Mount the safety line to the
VPSensorCartridge, it should snap in
2. Move the locking ring upwards over the
VPSensorCartridge and hold it in place
Step 3
1. Place the VPFlowScope M transmitter on top of
the assembly
2. Tighten the locking ring completely. Align the probe
with the display (default position, arrow should
point to the left as on the picture)
Step 4
The assembly should look like this
Check if the safety line is secured