© 2016 Van Putten Instruments BV | MAN-VP-SMPR-UK | Revision:1600 | Date:23-03-2016
Mechanical installation
Installation point
The installation point is crucial for a correct measurement. Sources of error can be: installation
effects, unknown flow profiles, swirls, pressure and temperature effects, humidity effects, oscillations
in the flow. To ensure the highest possible accuracy of flow measurement, the installation and piping
instructions must be followed. Therefore read this paragraph carefully.
Take into account:
Choose a site which is accessible, which allows ease of wiring and maintenance, and which allows
you to still read and access the display if possible.
Meet the specifications of the VPFlowScope M probe. When the specifications are not met, for
instance the pressure or temperature level is too high; this will cause inaccurate flow measurement
and can even damage your flow meter.
Do not apply mechanical stress on the sensor head.
Excessive heat, check the temperature range of your VPFlowScope M probe.
Corrosive atmosphere where possible.
Electrical problems (high voltage/ high power).
Mechanical vibration and danger (walking bridges, fork lift trucks).
Any source of potential error.
Stop: These devices are only for use with
Air, Nitrogen, Argon, Helium, Carbon Dioxide
other non hazardous, or non combustible gases.
Prepare the installation
The VPFlowScope M probe can be inserted through a welding tap with 1/2 inch female thread or
through a hot tap saddle. A hot tap saddle can be installed under pressurized conditions, so there is
no need to shut down production.
Use a ball valve to insert and retract the VPFlowScope M probe when you want. The VPInstruments
hot tap drill has a 1” drill size. In that case, place a 1” ball valve and use, after drilling, a reducer to
mount the 1/2” compression fitting.
Warning: Make sure that the hole is at least 16mm inner diameter, and completely
clear for insertion. A too small hole will damage the probe or your measurement value
will be very low.