VPFlowScope M probe
© 2016 Van Putten Instruments BV | MAN-VP-SMPR-UK | Revision:1600 | Date:23-03-2016
The display enables you to read measurement data in real time. In combination with the keypad, it
can also be used to change the most common parameters,
for all available
menu options
The TFT display provides 3 rows for real time data. Each row can be configured in the menu by
selecting the desired parameter for this row. Available options are listed in
When a flow unit is selected, a direction indicator in the shape of 2 black arrows will be display. The
arrow to right will turn green in case of positive flow. The arrow to left will be red in case of negative
flow. The measurement value will also show a minus sign in case of negative flow.
Display status icons
Some status icons show feedback on the meters' status. Below is a list with explanation.
VPSensorCartridge is properly connected and supplied with power
No communication with the VPSensorCartridge
A blinking dot will indicate that a data session is active
The display is locked. The menu can not be accessed
Memory indication
Active link via Ethernet cable
Ethernet disconnected