© 2016 Van Putten Instruments BV | MAN-VP-SMPR-UK | Revision:1600 | Date:23-03-2016
The key pad contains 4 buttons to control the display.
Menu / Enter
Used to enter the (sub)menu or to confirm a setting
Escape / Record
Will start a data logging session when in the data acquisition screen
Will return from a (sub)menu when not in the data acquisition screen
Button up
Navigate up in the menu
Button down
Navigate down in the menu
Lock display
In the main screen, press up and down simultaneously to lock or unlock the display. A lock icon will
appear in the left upper corner of the screen. The lock function will block keypad functionality.
The menu is categorized into 3 main items which contain their own sub menu items. The complete
menu structure is shown below:
Menu level 1
Menu level 2
Menu level 3
1. Settings
1. Diameter
1. mm
2. inch
2. Display
1. Rows
2. Dim time
3. Orientation
3. Date and Time
4. Modbus address
5. Analogue output
1. Mode
2. Pulse settings
3. 4..20mA settings
6. Network
1. Ethernet settings
2. Data logger
1. Change mode
2. New session
3. Delete session
4. Delete all sessions
3. Alarm
1. Mode
2. Unit
3. Boundaries
4. Periods
5. Reset
4. Info / about
5. Reset