© 2016 Van Putten Instruments BV | MAN-VP-SMPR-UK | Revision:1600 | Date:23-03-2016
The VPFlowScope M has a built-in alarm module. The input for an alarm is one of the available
measurement values. The unit for this value can be selected as desired.
The selected input will be compared to the configured boundaries.
Boundaries and modes
2 boundaries are available:
Upper boundary
Lower boundary
The input value will be compared with one or two of the boundaries depending on the mode. There are
4 modes available:
1. Do not compare (alarm off)
2. Compare with upper boundary
3. Compare with lower boundary
4. Compare with both boundaries
Hold period
The hold period indicates the amount of time that the alarm needs to overstep the boundaries.
For example:
The upper boundary is set to 7 bar
The hold time is set to 10 seconds
if the pressure is 7.1 bar for 9 seconds, no alarm will be given
if the pressure is 7.1 bar for 10 seconds, an alarm will be given
Reset period
The reset period indicates the amount of time that an active alarm will remain active. This enables the
user to register an alarm watching the red LED, reading the status register with Modbus, or
measuring a high level on the current output. After the given amount of time, the alarm will reset.
An active alarm can be shown in various ways:
The red LED will turn on
The alarm status can be read out with Modbus
The current output will signal 20mA (when in alarm mode)
An alarm counter is available. Every alarm event will add up 1 to the alarm counter. The alarm
counter can be read out by Modbus.
The alarm counter can be reset to zero with the keypad, with Modbus, or with VPStudio 2.0.