At planing speed
Trim the drive out to the operating position which provides the most
stable and comfortable running.
If the boat has twin motors the drives can be trimmed with different
angles to compensate for side winds and to a certain extent
compensate for uneven loading on one side of the boat or the other.
For maximum fuel economy
Operate engine at a steady throttle opening. Trim the drive out/in a
little. The boat is most easily propelled and speed will increase in the
position that gives the highest engine speed. The throttle opening can
then be slightly reduced to retain the original speed.
In choppy seas or running against a heavy sea
Trim drive so the bows drop. This will provide more comfortable
“Beach range”
The beach range is used for operation
at reduced speed
in shallow
water or where water depth is uncertain.
Max. permitted engine speed (rpm) when running in
the ”Beach range” is 1,000 rpm. Check that the cooling water
intake for the drive is never trimmed out of the water.
“Lift range”
Lift range may only be used when the engine is stopped,
never when
it is in operation
. The lift range is used for lifting the drive to its
maximum angle, when trailering for example.
Extreme trimming of the drive system can have
severely adverse effects on the steering of the boat. The engine
must not be run with the drive in the ”Lift” range.
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