Power Trim
The SX propulsion system is equipped with a Power Trim hydraulic trim system which makes it possible to adjust
the angle of the drive in relation to the stern of the boat. This adjusts the boat’s trim to obtain maximum comfort
and fuel economy in different operating conditions. Power Trim settings and adjustment are controlled from the
helm position using the controls and instruments described below. The section on Operation provides more
information on use of the Power Trim system when operating the boat.
Extreme trimming of the drive system can have severely adverse effects on the steering of the
boat. Read the information on “Power Trim during operation” in the chapter Operation.
Trim controls
Trimming and raising the drive can be done either using the
separate control panel or using the button in the control lever
Trimming the drive away from the stern of the boat raises the bow
in relation to the horizontal, while moving it towards the stern will
lower the bows.
Press the “
down button”
to lower the bow of the boat (drive
is trimmed inward).
Press the
“ Up button”
(2) to raise the bow of the boat (drive is
trimmed out).
Button (3) has no function.
the button in the control lever
(4) upwards to raise the
bow and downwards to lower the bow.
Trim instrument
The current trim position of the drive is shown on the trim
instrument. There are three ranges:
1. Trim-range
The Trim range is used to achieve maximum comfort under normal
operation at all speeds from start to maximum speed.
2. Beach range (Red)
The beach range is used for operation
at reduced speed
in shallow
water or where water depth is uncertain.
3. Lift range (Red)
Lift range is used when the drive must be lifted to the maximum
height, for example when trailering. The drive stops automatically
when the end position is reached.
Lift range may only be used
when the engine is stopped; never when it is in operation.
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