1234_BA_E_Rev0 - VOLspeed Giant Syncdrive Sport/Pro V4
© TLI Elektronik GmbH
background. However, before removing the module, the e-bike should be left at a standstill with
Speed mode switched on until it switches off by itself. This ensures that the compensation function
has adjusted the mileage correctly.
My e-bike does not have a display. Can I still use the module?
Yes. No display is required to use the module. However, it is useful for displaying the settings. You
can also use the free RideControl app for this. Connect your e-bike in the app and open the Ride
screen (1). Press the play button there (2). Speed and total kilometers (ODO) are displayed in the
upper part of the screen (3). If this is not the case, the display can be adjusted accordingly. To do
this, simply press and hold on a field until a selection list opens. Then select the corresponding
How do I change the display unit from mph to km/h?
Ride Control PLUS:
Use the arrow keys to switch to the odometer reading display ODO.
Press and hold the middle key until LEN is displayed at the top.
Briefly press the middle key again. The display shows the text UNIT.
Press and hold the middle button until SET is displayed at the top.
Use the left arrow key to change the unit from ft to m.
Ride Control APP:
Open the settings tab and open the personal settings.
Scroll down to the unit entry and change it from Imperial to Metric.