6 Using the vLoc-5000
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An alternate method of verifying depth (D) is triangulation which must be done Broad peak mode. There are
two methods of triangulation, 50% and 70% rules. On some models there is an option that instructs the user
in taking triangulation measurements.
Semi Automatic Triangulation Mode
On some models a "triangulation mode" is available that assist in taking these types of measurements.
To use the Triangulation mode the function must first be activated in the User Menu.
To use the function first locate the cable or pipe in the usual way.
Press the “i” pushbutton and a depth will be indicated. To confirm with triangulation, press the “i” pushbutton
The following screen should be shown.
Now slowly move the locator to the side until the line on the graph reaches the 50% line. (or 70% if the 70%
rule is used). At this point an audible beep will confirm this position is reached. Mark the ground at this point
and then slowly return to the peak position. Continue past this position until the 50% mark is reached on the
other side. Mark this position.
Now measure the distance between these two points. Divide the distance by two. The result will indicate the
depth of the target line.
If the 70% rule is used, do not divide by two, the depth is equal to the distance between the points.
Measure the current. This is displayed when you briefly press the “i” pushbutton to measure depth. The signal
from the transmitter will attenuate with distance. The further you are away from the transmitter the less signal
will radiate from the buried line. By locating at several points along the buried line you will identify an
approximate rate of signal loss (beware that where a pipe or cable divides the signal will reduce more
rapidly). If the signal at the point you are pinpointing is different from the trend would suggest – between that,
it may not be the buried line you expect.
Distance A to B = Depth (D)
Distance (A’ to B’)/2 = Depth (D)
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