L2 Priority:
L2 Priority is the Layer 2 priority to be used for the specified application
type. L2 Priority may specify one of eight priority levels (0 through 7), as defined by
IEEE 802.1D
2004. A value of 0 represents use of the default priority as defined in
IEEE 802.1D
DSCP value to be used to provide Diffserv node behavior for the specified
application type, as defined in IETF RFC 2474. DSCP may contain one of 64 code
point values (0 through 63). A value of 0 represents use of the default DSCP value, as
defined in RFC 2475.
Adding a new policy:
Click to add a new policy. Specify the application type, Tag,
VLAN ID, L2 Priority and DSCP for the new policy. Click "Save".
Port Policies Configuration:
Every port may advertise a unique set of network
policies or different attributes for the same network policies, based on the
authenticated user identity or port configuration.
The port number to which the configuration applies.
Policy Id:
The set of policies that shall apply to a given port. The set of policies is
selected by check marking the checkboxes that corresponds to the policies.
– Click “Apply” to save changes.
Click “Reset” to undo any changes made locally and revert to
previously saved values.