Chapter 1: Preparing for the Installation
Collaborative Tools
“The usual and customary tools in their usual and customary format.” That’s what creates the most effective
collaboration. Vidyo offers an optional VGA2USB LR frame grabber that “screen scrapes” what’s on the local
laptop (connected by VGA) and transmits the information to the local and remote content displays.
If your organization needs more collaboration capabilities, a number of additional tools can be incorporated
into the VidyoPanorama environment. These include document cameras, ceiling-mounted visualizers,
whiteboards, interactive whiteboards, and digital flipcharts.
Room or wall vibration can be caused by HVAC equipment, heavy machinery being used nearby, trains
passing by, and other factors. If the wall on which the camera and displays are located vibrates excessively,
the camera may also vibrate. This vibration may be noticeable by the far-end participants. Therefore, if you
have known vibration issues, consult the building manager or an architect to determine the optimal
placement for the camera.
When determining your power consumption, you may find this information useful:
The Controller Node and the Decoder Nodes each require 250 W power with AC adapter (12 output;
100-240V, 50-60Hz input).
An average 55” LCD does not exceed 350 W (LED-based displays use less).
An average equipment rack uses up to 34 W.
The ClearOne Interact AT audio mixer uses 40 W. If you have additional ClearOne or other audio
components, you should check the power consumption of those separately.
Use the information here to plan the network bandwidth for VidyoPanorama.
Upstream bandwidth: Up to 6 Mbps (720p or 1080p @ 60 fps).
Downstream bandwidth: Consider the number of displays you have and calculate the approximate
total bandwidth according to the resolutions of the streams expected to be received:
Each 1080p stream requires 4 Mbps.
Each 720p60 stream requires approximately 2 Mbps.
Each 360p30 stream requires approximately 500 Kbps.
The maximum transmit bandwidth is 10 Mbps and the maximum receive bandwidth is 40 Mbps.