Chapter 1: Preparing for the Installation
Here are three display layout examples:
Example 1—Three-screen VidyoPanorama: For this VidyoPanorama room, we have to lay out three
displays that are all the same size. We decide that we simply want to lay them out in one row side-
by-side like this:
Example 2—Nine-screen VidyoPanorama: For this VidyoPanorama room, we have to lay out nine
displays that are all the same size. We could lay them out in one long row, in two rows with four
displays on the top row and five displays on the bottom row, or other combinations. However, we
decide to lay them out in three rows with three displays each like this:
Example 3 —Four-screen VidyoPanorama: For this VidyoPanorama room, we have to lay out four
displays. Three are the same size, but one is larger. We could lay them out in a number of ways. For
In one row with the larger display at the left-center or right-center position.
In two rows with the three equal-sized displays in the top row and the larger display in the bot-
tom row.
In two rows with the larger display in the center of the top row and the three equal-sized dis-
plays in the bottom row. We decide this is what we want, so we lay out the displays like this:
When you have an unequal number of displays in the rows or you have displays of different sizes as in
Example 3, you should carefully consider the placement of the displays depending on what you want to
show in which position and on which size of display. If, for example, showing content is of utmost
importance to you, then you would want content to appear on the largest display. However, in what position
do you want to place that display? Some people might want to place it alone on the top row as shown in our
example above, but other people might want to place it alone on the bottom row so that it is at eye level. It’s
a matter of preference, but you must decide before you physically install the displays on the wall.
To help you decide on your display layout before the actual installation begins, we’ve created a Display
Layout Worksheet, which is on the next page. Follow the directions on this worksheet to create the display
layout for your particular VidyoPanorama room.