With a temperature sensor installed to the User I/O connection block; the actual battery temperature will be used for
compensation; throughout the day.
Low temperature cut-off
This setting can be used to disable charging at low temperatures as required by Lithium batteries.
For Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries this setting is preset at 5 degrees Celsius, for the other battery types it is disabled. When
creating a user defined battery the cut-off temperature level can be adjusted manually.
Manual Equalization - Start now
Selecting 'Start now' on 'Manual equalisation' allows manual initiation of an Equalization cycle. To allow the charger to equalize
the battery properly use the manual equalize option only during absorption and float periods, and when there is sufficient sunlight.
Current and voltage limits are identical to the automatic equalize function. The duration of the equalisation cycle is limited to a
maximum of 1 hour when triggered manually. Manual equalization can be stopped at any time by selecting 'Stop Equalize'.
4.13. Connecting to AC PV inverters
The Multi includes a built in AC PV inverter detection system. When there is a feedback of AC PV (a surplus) from the AC-out
connection port, the Multi will automatically enable an AC output frequency adjustment.
While no further configuration is required, it is important that the AC PV inverter is configured correctly to respond to the
frequency adjustment by reducing its output.
Note the 1:1 rule of AC PV inverter size to Multi size, and minimum battery sizing applies. More information about these
limitations are available in the
, and this document is required reading if using an AC PV inverter.
The frequency adjustment range is not configurable, and includes a built in safety margin. Once the absorption voltage is
reached, the frequency will increase. So it is still essential to include a DC PV component in the system for complete battery
charging (i.e. float stage).
It may be possible to adjust the power output response to various frequencies on your AC PV inverter.
The default configuration has been tested and works reliably with the Fronius MG50/60 grid code configuration.
Multi RS Solar
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