User-defined presets will be stored in the preset library - in this way installers will not have to define all the values each time they
are configuring a new installation.
By selecting
Edit Presets
, or on the Settings screen (with expert mode on or not), custom parameters can be set as follows:
Absorption voltage
Set the absorption voltage.
Adaptive absorption time
Select with adaptive absorption time or fixed absorption time will be used. Both are better explained below:
Fixed absorption time:
The same length of absorption is applied every day (when there is enough solar power) by using the
maximum absorption time setting. Be aware that this option can result in overcharging your batteries, especially for lead batteries
and system with shallow daily discharges. See your battery manufacturer for recommended settings.
: make sure to disable
the tail current setting to make the same absorption time every day. The tail current could end absorption time sooner if the
battery current is below the threshold. See more information on the tail current setting section below.
Adaptive absorption time:
The charge algorithm can use an adaptive absorption time: it automatically adapts to the state of
charge in the morning. The maximum duration of the absorption period for the day is determined by the battery voltage as
measured just before the solar charger begins operation each morning (12 V battery values used - Multiply Battery voltage by 4
for 48V ):
Battery voltage Vb (@start-up)
Maximum absorption times
Vb < 11.9 V
x 1
06:00 hours
> 11.9 V Vb < 12.2 V
x 2/3
04:00 hours
> 12.2 V Vb < 12.6 V
x 1/3
02:00 hours
Vb > 12.6 V
x 2/6
01:00 hours
The multiplier is applied to the maximum absorption time setting and this results in the maximum duration of the absorption period
used by the charger. The maximum absorption times shown in the last column of the table are based on the default maximum
absorption time setting of 6 hours.
Maximum absorption time (hh:mm)
Set the absorption time limit. Only available when using a custom charge profile.
Enter the time value in the notation hh:mm, where hours are between 0 and 12; and minutes are between 0 and 59.
Float voltage
Set the float voltage.
Re-bulk voltage offset
Set the voltage offset that will be used over the float voltage setting that will determine the threshold that the charge cycle will
E.g.: For a Re-bulk voltage offset off 0.1V and a float voltage setting of 13.8 V, the voltage threshold that will be use to restart the
charge cycle will be 13.7 V. In other words, if the battery voltage drops below 13.7 V for one minute, the charge cycle will restart.
Equalization voltage
Set the equalization voltage.
Equalization current percentage
Set the percentage of the Max charge current setting that will be used when equalisation is performed.
Automatic Equalization
Set-up the frequency of the auto equalize function. Available options are between 1 and 250 days:
• 1 = daily
• 2 = every other day
• ...
• 250 = every 250 days
Equalization is typically used to balance the cells in a lead battery, and also to prevent stratification of the electrolyte in flooded
batteries. Whether (automatic) equalization is necessary, or not, depends on the type of batteries, and their usage. Consult your
battery supplier for guidelines.
Multi RS Solar
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