CT33 User Manual v. X1.0 35
Exact transversal location: Turn the CL43 & probe to
horizontal position and hold it transversely (in 90° angle)
above the minimum line. Keep the probe in this position
and height and move left and right on the minimum line to
find the strongest signal you can get. Signal peak
pinpoints the exact sonde location under ground.
Sonde depth: Hold the CL43 & probe horizontally and
transversely (in 90° angle) to the minimum line. Move
probe further ahead to the sonde nose direction until
another minimum is detected. Sonde depth
is the
of the two minimums multiplied by 1.4.
Special case: How to locate a sonde close to a very
interfering cable, duct or rail: Turn the CL43 & probe
parallel to the interfering source (usually horizontal). Keep
this attitude and move the CL43 & probe ahead to the
sonde nose direction until a signal maximum is detected.