CT33 User Manual v. X1.0 27
12.2 Tracing floor heating cables and their faults
Task: Floor heating cable route needs to be traced e.g. for defining a fault location or for drilling.
Follow the route of the heating cable from start to end and mark it on the floor. Often the exact route may
reveal faults due to bad assembly or later renovations, such as:
Cable has been placed under fixed furniture like closets
Sauna stove or bench screws have been inserted too close to the cable
Toilet seat screws hit the cable route
If the fault can’t be determined by following the route only, it is necessary to try to find spots along the
route where the tracing signal level suspiciously changes (see next paragraph):
In case of a short circuit, signal can be followed to the fault where it gets stronger and then disappears
In case of an open circuit, signal usually starts to weaken starting from the fault spot
Cut the power and disconnect all cable wires from the feeding cable. Connect transmitter between the
cable’s phase (L) and neutral (N) wires.
Use LA43 probe. Follow the cable route by scanning the floor surface. Usually there is a noticeable
minimum but changes in cable depth and cable’s looping back and forth affect how clearly the minimum can
be detected. Mark the route on the floor with chalk or tape.