CT33 User Manual v. X1.0 20
10.2 Wall sockets and circuit breakers & fuses
Task: Electronic circuit breaker for a certain live wall socket needs to be located at the electrical
panel or cabinet.
Use the S3TB cord and connect transmitter
between the wall socket's L and N or L and PE contacts.
Use LA43 probe. Scan and track all circuit breakers
at the electrical panel which give a strong signal. It is
normal that several circuit breakers give a signal as they
are parallel connected via their phase rail.
Above the right circuit breaker there is usually a very
strong signal and a minimum in the middle. If possible
turn the circuit breaker off: Signal level should decrease
It is recommendable to practise receiver use beforehand
with known fuses/breakers.
NOTE! If there are several wall sockets connected to
the same circuit breaker, transmitter current
spreads to other directions and makes it more
difficult to locate the right circuit breaker.