Intrepid 1640 Woodburning Stove
Fireplace Clearances and
Mantel Trim Shields
A fireplace installation requires special clearance be-
tween the side of the stove and the right and left walls,
between the side of the stove and the decorative side
trim on the fireplace face, and between the top of the
stove and the mantel.
Noncombustible shields installed 1” (25mm) away from
the combustible surface on noncombustible spacers,
called ventilated shields, may be used to reduce clear-
To protect a mantel from the heat of an Intrepid II in a
fireplace installation, the ventilated mantel shield must
be at least 48” (1219mm) long, and it must be centered
over the stove. Ventilated shields for side trim must
extend the full length of the trim.
An unprotected mantel (“A” , Fig. 20. ) cannot be more
than 9” (229mm) deep and must have a minimum clear-
ance of 30” (762mm), measured from the stove’s top
plate. With a ventilated shield, this clearance may be
reduced safely to 14” (357mm).
Unprotected top trim (B) protruding 2” (51mm) or less
from the face of the fireplace must be a minimum of 24”
(610 mm) from the stove’s top surface. With a venti-
lated trim shield, this clearance may be reduced safely
to 14” (357mm).
Unprotected side trim (C) that protrudes 2” (51mm) or
less from the face of a fireplace must have a minimum
clearance of 15” (381mm), measured from the stove’s
top side edge. With a ventilated trim shield, the clear-
ance may be reduced safely to 10” (254mm). If the trim
extends more than 2” (51mm), wall clearance require-
ments apply.
Fireplace Mantel and Trim Clearances
Measured from the top and sides of the stove.
A. Mantel
30” (762mm)
14” (356mm)
B. Top Trim
24” (610mm)
14” (356mm)
C. Side Trim
15” (381mm)
10” (254mm)
Fig. 20
Maintain clearances to combustible components of
the mantelpiece.
trim clearances
12/15/99 djt
Fig. 21
A custom-formed mantel shield.
1" (25 mm)
1/4" (6 mm)
mantel and
trim shield
11/10/00 djt
f i r e - p a r t s . c o m