Instructions for Use Evone
6 Configuration
Within this section the main aspects of the user interface are explained.
6.1 Device settings
The general device settings may be adjusted from the idle FCV
mode and idle jet mode
screens by tapping the ‘menu’ button. Upon clicking, a pop-up screen will appear like shown in
Figure 6.1.
Figure 6.1 Device settings menu, ‘General’ tab
The ‘General’ tab allows the user to see the current settings for the User Interface Language,
the date and time as displayed on the screen the serial data output format and the current
alarm sound level. If necessary, the Date and Time may be adjusted by tapping the ‘Chan-
ge’ button. Similarly, the preferred User Interface language may be changed into one of the
available languages, the serial data output format may be changed into one of the available
formats and the alarm sound level may be set to the desired level.
If the auditory alarm sound level is set to a level less than the ambient sound level,
it may impede the user from recognizing an alarm condition.
Figure 6.2 Device settings menu, ‘Units’ tab