Instructions for Use Evone
5.3.4 Sedation and relaxation
Because of the small lumen (high resistance) of the breathing circuit, coughing may result in
tube dislocation and spontaneous breathing is not possible.
In case of light anesthesia (indicated by e.g. irregular pressure curves, increased/decreased
compliance, coughing, BIS>60, TOF>90%):
• Deflate cuff of Tritube to reduce trachea stimuli.
• Optimize anesthesia.
• Inflate cuff when anesthesia is optimized.
Note that the airway is open (risk on aspiration).
Conventional tubes
• Disconnect CTA.
• Use alternative means of oxygenation if preferred.
• Optimize anesthesia.
• Reconnect CTA when anesthesia is optimized.
5.3.5 Weaning the patient
1 Set FiO
as preferred.
Wake patient using one of the two ventilation options:
2 With inflated cuff (e.g. in case of aspiration risk) in FCV
3 Gently wake patient (no shaking). Deflate cuff and extubate when patient awakes.
2 With deflated cuff in Jet mode
(risk on aspiration)
3 Open airway required.
4 Adapt settings if required (e.g. lower driving pressure with
higher frequency may reduce tracheal stimuli).
Conventional tubes
Wake the patient: of the two ventilation options:
2 Disconnect CTA from tube allow waking up using preferred method of oxygenation.
Note that spontaneous breathing is not possible when the CTA is connected to
the conventional adult endotracheal tube.
Warning: Use jet mode or alternative ways to deal with (prolonged) weaning
procedures and periods of spontaneous breathing.