Instructions for Use Evone
The entered patient gender and length will be used to calculate the ideal body weight, applied
to determine an inspiration volume in the first ventilation cycle (see 2.2) and for the initial
setting of the volume limits.
At the bottom of the screen the user may choose to start with default ventilation settings to
be based on the entered patient settings, i.e. ‘patient data’ or with settings from last use.
Default choice is ‘patient data’.
5.3 Clinical Workflow
5.3.1 Ventilation with Tritube
1 Induce total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA).
2 Intubate patient with Tritube according to manufacturer’s instructions.
3 Connect Tritube to Evone (ventilation lumen and pressure lumen).
4 Optional: start ventilation with the cuff deflated to allow deepening of anesthesia (Jet mode).
Note that the airway is open (risk on aspiration).
5 Start ventilation with the cuff inflated (25-30 mbar) in FCV
mode when anesthesia
is deepened. A triangular pressure curve appears on the screen (Fig 5.6).
Figure 5.6 Active FCV
6 If needed adapt ventilation settings:
- FiO
as preferred
- EEP as preferred
- Peak to adjust Tidal Volume
- Inspiratory Flow to adjust Minute Volume.