Figure 5.2 Self-Check failed screen
5.1.2 Startup Check
After a successful Self-Check the Startup Check menu will appear automatically (Figure 5.3).
The user can select tests to perform. It is strongly recommended to perform all tests of the
Startup Check once a day prior to starting ventilation.
This Startup Check requires a fully assembled Evone and connection of Tritube to an artificial
lung. The Evone Conventional Tube Adapter cannot be used to perform the Startup Check.
During the Startup Check, the user is asked to disconnect and reconnect gas supplies and
Evone accessories.
In the Startup Check screen the actual values for the oxygen and air gas supply pressures are
The Startup Check involves three tests which cover the following test items:
• Alarm Indication
- Alarm sound and light signals are generated.
- User needs to confirm low, medium and high priority alarm signals when indicated.
- User needs to assemble the Evone Breathing System and Tritube when indicated.
- User needs to place Tritube in an artificial lung and inflate the cuff when indicated.
- The following items are tested:
• Pressure vessel and sensor
• Valve warming-up
• Mass flow controllers
• Pressure lumen purge pulse
• Pressure lumen sensor
• Exhaust valve = rotating valve
• Leakage