V. 05 – 05/06/2014
©Ve lleman nv
Prote ct this de vice from shock s and abuse . Avoid brute
force whe n ope rating the de vice.
Fam iliarise yourse lf with the functions of the de vice before actually
using it.
All modifications of the de vice are forbidde n for safe ty reasons.
O nly use the de vice for its intende d purpose . Using the de vice in
an unauthorised way will void the warranty.
Dam age caused by disregard of ce rtain guide lines in this manual
is not cove re d by the warranty and the deale r will not acce pt
re sponsibility for any ensuing defe cts or proble ms.
DO NOT use this product to violate privacy laws or pe rform othe r
illegal activities.
easy installation proce dure
re mote pan/tilt control
se cure d W i-Fi and wire d LAN conne ction
24 IR LEDs for night vision (up to 20 m)
em be dde d microphone and speake r
motion de te ction ale rt via email or upload image to FTP
audio in- and output
autom atic inte grate d Dynam ic Domain Nam e Se rvice (DDNS):
fre e se rvice
wi re le ss encryption with one touch (WPS™ - W ire le ss prote ct
se tup)
compatible with: CAMIP5N1, CAMIP10N (same ope ration modes
and use r inte rface )
Re fe r to the illustrations on page 2 of this manual.
1 le ns
7 bracke t
2 IR LEDs (24x )
8 W ifi antenna
3 light se nsor
9 R J45 ne twork jack
4 sunshie ld
10 5 VDC in
5 came ra bolt
11 re se t
6 position bolt
Содержание CAMIP7N
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