V. 05 – 05/06/2014
©Ve lleman nv
FTP Se rvice Settings
The se se ttings will only tak e e ffe ct if the option Upload Im age on
Alarm is se le cted in the Alarm Se rvice Se ttings (see be low).
A larm Service Settings
Se le ct the che ckbox Motion De te ct Armed to e nable motion
de te ction.
This also allows mails to be sent out (see Mail Se rvice Se ttings)
and image upload to an FTP se rve r (see FTP Se rvice Se ttings).
Note : whe n the came ra is in auto tilt or auto pan mode, motion
de te ction and ex te rnal alarm input are disabled.
The motion de te ct sensibility can be se t be twe e n 1 and 10, with
10 being m ost sensitive .
Se le ct the che ckbox Se nd Mail on alarm to se nd a mail when an
alarm is de te cte d.
Make sure to fill out all fie lds on the Mail Se rvice Se ttings page
(se e above).
Se le ct the che ckbox Upload Image on alarm to upload im age s to
an FTP se rve r whe n an alarm is de te cted.
Make sure to fill out all fie lds on the FTP Se rvice Se ttings page
Содержание CAMIP7N
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