V. 05 – 05/06/2014
©Ve lleman nv
Net work configuration
Che ck if your HTTP se rve r software is configure d and running
prope rly.
If the came ra is be hind a fire wall, make sure the fire wall software
is allowing inbound conne ctions on port 80. If not, use an
alte rnate port. The same goe s for ce rtain anti-spam and anti-virus
software packages.
If the came ra is be hind a cable/DSL route r, make sure to
configure port forwarding prope rly. Re fe r to the use r manual of
the route r.
No image
Video stream ing is transm itte d by the Active X controlle r. If this
controlle r is not installe d prope rly, no vide o im age is shown.
W he n you install the IP Cam e ra Tool, the Active X controlle r is
installe d at the same time . If not, download the Active X controlle r
from the inte rne t and se t the safe ty prope rties of your we b
browse r so it accepts Active X conte nt.
Slo w ima ge
The fram e rate of the shown video depe nds on a num be r of ex te rnal
factors, e .g.:
Ne t work bandwidth
PC pe rformance and display se ttings
Num be r of visitors that are vie wing the cam e ra sim ultaneously
Ne t work e quipme nt (e.g. use a switch instead of a hub for
m ultiple IP came ras).
Camera not available via internet
Possible reasons may include :
Active X controlle r is not installed or not work ing prope rly.
The port of the IP came ra is blocke d by a fire wall or anti-virus
software . In this case , try using a diffe re nt port numbe r.
Port mapping failed. Eithe r e nable UPnP (via UPnP Se ttings) or
e dit the route rs Virtual map list (re fe r to the user manual of your
route r).
Tec hnical spec ificatio ns
pick -up eleme nt
1/5" colour CMO S sensor
le ns
f2.8mm / F2.4
Содержание CAMIP7N
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