V. 05 – 05/06/2014
©Ve lleman nv
Note : se t the option R eport ADSL IP by mail unde r Mail Se rvice
Se ttings to re ce ive the came ra’s IP addre ss by m ail.
Connect the camera v ia a router
Conne ct the came ra to the LAN and configure the came ra with
the IP came ra tool (see above ).
Log on to the cam e ra as adm inistrator and configure DDNS
Se rvice Se ttings.
Click Submit to reboot the came ra.
The came ra is now available through the inte rne t by e nte ring the
domain nam e in your inte rne t browse r.
Static IP users
W he n using only fixe d IP addresses, a DDNS se rvice is not re quired.
The re are two ways to find out the static W AN IP addre ss of the
came ra:
Conne ct a compute r to the same conne ction as the came ra and
ope n a we bsite that te lls you what IP address you are on (e .g.
www. whatism yip.com ).
Log on to the route r and vie w the status page to find out its W AN
IP addre ss. To conne ct to the IP came ra, ente r the W AN IP
address of the route r followe d by the port numbe r to which the
came ra is conne cte d into the addre ss bar of a browse r (e .g. Make sure UPnP is e nabled or the
came ra is added to the route r’s virtual mapping list.
Using a mobile phone
It is possible to conne ct a smartphone to the IP came ra. Many third-
party software de ve lope rs offe r com patible software. An example is
the “IP Cam Vie we r” software which is available from the iTune s and
Google Play stores. Afte r installation, just e nte r the ex te rnal
hostnam e, IP port, use rname and password, and you can vie w the
images on your sm artphone .
Tro ublesho oting
IP address
Al ways make sure the came ra is on the same subne t (same subne t
mask ) as the PC you are using to configure it.
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