V. 05 – 05/06/2014
©Ve lleman nv
click on an on-screen button to activate the WPS feature. If you
are not sure whe re the WPS button is on your route r, prease
re fe r to your Route r’s manual.
The came ra will autom atically create a se cure wire le ss conne ction
to your route r. If you have plugge d in the ne twork cable , ple ase
plug it out. While conne cting, the gre en ne twork light on R J45 will
blink and the wire le ss se ttings will take e ffe ct. The IP Came ra Tool
will se arch the came ra’s LAN IP. Make sure the PC and the came ra
share the same subne t.
During the WPS se ttings, you m ust pre ss the R ESET button only
for four se conds. W he n you pre ss and hold down the R ESET
button for 10 se conds the came ra will be re se t back to factory
default se ttings.
The se curity mode of route r cannot be W EP, or e lse the WPS
se ttings may be faile d.
A DSL Settings
W he n conne cte d to the Inte rne t dire ctly via ADSL, che ck the
che ckbox and ente r the ADSL Use r nam e and ADSL password you
obtained from your Inte rne t Se rvice Provide r (ISP).
UPnP Settings
Se le ct the che ckbox to use the Unive rsal Plug and Play (UPnP)
DDNS Se rvice Settings
Fre e DDNS Se rvice
The Dynam ic DNS name will be some thing like :
a00000.m yipcame ra.org
No w you can use http:// Domain name + HTTP Port to access the
came ra via inte rne t.
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