V. 05 – 05/06/2014
©Ve lleman nv
If authe ntication for the mailbox is re quired, se lect the che ck box
and e nte r use r name and password in the appropriate fie lds.
If the Report Inte rne t IP by Mail box is se le cte d, a mail is se nt
whe ne ve r a cam e ra comes online (for ex ample afte r re boot) or a
change in IP address occurs.
Make sure the port is corre ctly mapped to the router.
Click Submit to save the data be fore pe rform ing a ‘mail test’.
Possible erro r mes sages
Following e rror me ssage s m ay appear:
Error m e ssage
Possible solution
Cannot conne ct to the se rve r
Che ck ne twork cables and
se ttings.
Ne t work e rror. Please try
late r.
Che ck ne twork cables and
se ttings.
Se rve r e rror.
Che ck the se rve r.
Incorre ct use r or password.
Make sure to ente r the right
use r nam e and password.
The sende r is denie d by the
se rve r.
Che ck whe the r the use r ne eds
The re ce ive r is de nied by the
se rve r.
Could be due to anti-spam
se ttings of the se rve r.
The me ssage is de nie d by the
se rve r.
Could be due to anti-spam
se ttings of the se rve r.
The se rve r doe s not support
the authe ntication m ode use d
by the de vice .
Try without authe ntication or
use a diffe re nt se rve r (sende r
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