V. 05 – 05/06/2014
©Ve lleman nv
A dditiona l informatio n
The default administrator login is adm in without a password. To
e nhance se curity, a ne w adm inistrator password should be se t as
soon as possible (see above ).
If you have lost the adm inistrator password, you can re se t the
came ra to factory de faults (adm in, no password) by pre ssing and
holding the R ESET button at the bottom of the came ra for about 5
se conds.
W he n doings so, all othe r use r se ttings will be lost as we ll.
Re fe r to the use r manual of your wire less route r to obtain
ne twork information e .g. SSID, Channe l, Se curity,
authentication, encryption…
Use pre viously obtained information to configure your cam e ra
via a fixed ne twork cable
(se e Wire le ss LAN se ttings).
Re boot the came ra.
W ait at le ast 30 se conds be fore unplugging the ne twork cable .
The n unplug the powe r supply.
Re -inse rt the powe r plug.
Afte r about 30 se conds, the cam e ra should be up and running in
W iFi mode .
Connect the camera o n a n A DSL net work
Conne ct the came ra to a PC. The e asiest way is to use a route r.
If no route r is available , you must use a cross cable (not incl.) to
conne ct the came ra dire ctly to the PC’s ne twork port (RJ45) and
se t the IP addre sse s on PC and came ra manually.
Configure the came ra with the IP came ra tool (see above ).
Log on to the cam e ra as adm inistrator and configure ADSL
se ttings (use r name + password).
Configure the DDNS Se rvice Se ttings and click Subm it. The
came ra re boots.
Conne ct the came ra dire ctly to the ADSL modem . It is now
available through the inte rne t by ente ring the domain nam e in
your inte rne t browse r.
Содержание CAMIP7N
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