Frame structure
Test Pattern
Alarm and Errors
2048 kbit/s G704
PCM 30, PCM31 with/without CRC-4
Pattern types
Fixed: All 1, All 0, 1010
PRBS: 2n-1 where n = 6, 9, 11, 15, 23
Pattern Standard
O.152, O.153
Fixed word length
24 bit
Normal, inverted
Generation modes
Single, continuous, user defined
Errors/Slips insertion
Continuous or single
Errors rate
1 x 10-n, where n= 2 to 7
Alarm type
LOS - Loss of Signal
AIS - Alarm indication signal
LOF - Loss of Frame alignment
RDI - Remote Alarm Indicator
LOM - Loss of CAS Multiframe Alignment
RMA - Multiframe Remote Alarm Indicator
LSS - Loss of Test Sequence Synchronization
ARTF: Unstructured alternating 1s and 0s.
Error type
CODE - Code error
FAS - Frame alignment error
CRC - CRC-4 block error
REBE - CRC block error in remote end
BIT - Bit error in PRBS and fixed word
+SLP - Positive bit slip
-SLP - Negative bit slip
E-bit - Transmitted E-bit errors
MFAS - Multiframe Alignment Synchronization
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TX50e e-Manual D07-00-009 REVA00