To save and load previously saved measurement results, user ‘F3’ and ‘F4’ key.
For most of the measured parameters the test set will display an accumulative counter (left column) and the
matching error rate (right column). For example the “CODE” parameter (a counter or code errors) is displayed in
left column; and compliant ratio value “CODER” is shown in the same line in the right column.
Propagation delay
This submenu allows user to measure a signal propagation delay.
Preliminary settings:
In Line Interface Test speed menu select the same measured objects for receiving and transmitting ports
(the timeslots quantity for both directions must be equal).
Stop or pause all currently performed measurements.
Stop or pause the errors insertion or alarms generation process.
Use button to start/stop propagation delay measurement.
The following values will be displayed:
.: Current signal propagation delay value.
.: Minimum delay value registered during the measured session.
.: Maximum delay value registered during the measured session.
View data
The View data menu (see Figure
) provides the ability to view contents of the received dataflow: frame or
timeslot contents; FAS/NFAS, CAS/MFAS words.
Figure 5.13:
“Propagation delay” menu
Figure 5.14:
“View data” menu
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TX50e e-Manual D07-00-009 REVA00