Probe Troubleshooting
Field Troubleshooting Probe-Out Alarms
If no printer is available then you must record the information specified below:
1. From the Home screen touch
- Print / record the active alarms
2. From the Home screen touch
3. Select the malfunctioning probe and view each of the diagnostics tab screens. Print out the contents of each
tab screen report for the suspect probe.
4. The Probe distance from the console must be less than 1000 feet. If the distance is greater than this probe
operation is not guaranteed.
5. Ensure the probe wiring conforms to the requirements detailed in the TLS-450PLUS Site Prep and Installation
Manual (Veeder-Root No. 577014-073).
6. Verify the console is grounded correctly.
- Is the ground wire at least a 12AWG conductor? Remove ground cable from the grounding lug inside the
console, use an ohmmeter to measure resistance from the ground wire to a known good ground. The resis-
tance reading should be less than 1ohm.
- If resistance is greater than 1 ohm, the console is not properly grounded. Either repair the ground connection
or contact the installation company to ensure proper grounding is established.
7. Verify the console is on a separate circuit breaker with no shared branch circuits.
8. Verify the polarity of the probe wiring is correct from the probe to the console. The probe cable black conductor
must be connected to the probe module (-) Negative. The probe cable white conductor must be connected to
the probe module (+) Plus. NOTE: If probe is wired backwards it will be recognized as a liquid sensor.
9. Disconnect the probe cable connector from the probe and inspect both the probe cable female pins and the
male pins on the probe for corrosion. If corrosion or contamination is suspected clean with electrical cleaning
solution and reconnect probe cable. Verify alarm condition is cleared.
10.Open probe junction box and inspect connections for the probe wires and the connecting field wiring. These
connections must have Veeder-Root supplied epoxy packs on the splices. Corroded splices will create Probe
Out alarms. If Veeder-Root supplied epoxy packs are present, inspect them to make sure there is no water
inside the packs where the connections are made. Verify that the wire nuts and cable sheathing are immersed
in epoxy. The epoxy should be "rock hard". If no epoxy packs were utilized, the Veeder-Root installation
procedures were not followed. Refer to the appropriate installation manual for correct installation procedures.
11.Before proceeding, ensure that console power is Off. (If only one tank exists or the suspect probe cannot be
installed in another tank at the site, proceed to step 13). Swap the non-working probe with a working one from
another tank to determine if the problem follows the probe or stays with the tank. When swapping probes,
disconnect the probe cable connector on the top of the probes and swap the probes between the tanks. Do
not swap probes and cables at the same time. If the problem moves to the other tank, replace the probe. If the
problem stays with the original tank after swapping probes, go to step 13. If the Probe Out clears and does not
return on either tank wait 30 minutes to see if alarm returns. If it does not return, leave the probes in-place and
wait for the customer to contact you if the problem reoccurs. If problem reoccurs within a reasonable period of
time on the tank the suspect probe is now in, then replace the probe. If it returns on the original tank then
follow the steps for troubleshooting wiring and connectors.
12.Replace the probe cable. If the problem persists, move the wires on the probe module from the non-working
channel to a known working channel (if possible). If the probe works on the known working channel, replace the
probe module. If the problem still exists on the known working channel, remove the probe from the tank and
bring it to the console. Connect it directly to the console (you will need a spare probe cable). If the Probe-Out
Alarm clears with the probe wires connected directly to the console, then there is a problem with the field