special anticorrosion compound. It is
recommended to restore the protective
coating of the closed spaces at your
dealer’s during the first year of vehicle
operation and later every 1.5-2 years.
Exposure of the vehicle underbody
to gravel, sand, salt, etc. affects the
sealers and the prime coat, facilitating
body rusting. Carefully monitor condi-
tion of the underbody and correct the
revealed defects in due time and order.
To preserve the shine of the paint-
work (especially for outdoor parking)
polish your vehicle on a regular basis
using special creams. Polishing
creams seal new microcracks of the
paintwork and prevent metal corrosion
Never leave the vehicle under direct
sunshine for a prolonged period or spill
acids, soda solutions, braking liquid or
petroleum on the bodywork to avoid
dimming of the paint.
Use a clean cloth to wipe off petrole-
um spillage after filling up — this will
help to prevent staining of the body
under the fuel filler flap.
Use a wet cloth to wipe plastic parts.
Do not use petroleum or solvents, for
they may cause dimming of the plas-
Remove dust from the seat cushion/
seatback by vacuuming. To remove
greasy spots from upholstery, use uni-
versal interior cleaners or neutral soapy
water. Do not forget to thoroughly clean
rubber seals and adjacent door and
boot lid surfaces with a wet cloth.
Clean the glasses with soft linen
rags or chamois leather. Add glass-
cleaners to water when washing very
dirty glasses (30cm
Due to unfavourable environmental
situation in some regions the paintwork
of the vehicle may be negatively affect-
ed. This may appear as rusty dust,
local discolouration or destruction of
the paintwork.
Rusty dust on the bodywork is the
result of airborne metal particles depo-
sition. These particles are later
attached to the body through the
process of corrosion in dew water. To
remove rusty deposits use a 5% solu-
tion of oxalic acid and then wash the
vehicle with profuse clean water.
Complete the operation by polishing
the vehicle body. If no special action is
taken to remove the rusty deposits,
they will gradually go away after a num-
ber of washes or rains.
Local discolouration (staining) of the
paint finish or destruction of the
clearcoat are caused by deposition of
airborne industrial acids which undergo
chemical transformations in humid air.
Depending on how badly the bodywork
is affected you may have to polish or
repaint the body.
Pay special attention to vehicle stor-
age conditions. If the vehicle runs
15000 kilometers a year, it means that
it is only 1 hour in operation out of 24.
Optimum conditions for vehicle storage
— a shed with the temperature and
humidity at the same level as the ambi-
ent, constant airflow and no sun or
weather exposure.
— warm (single lot) garage with the
temperature at least 5°C, relative
humidity 50-70% and combined sup-
ply/exhaust ventilation system.
If the ventilation system of the warm
(single lot) garage is inefficient, and the
RE2115eng 23/04/2002 15:23 Page 44