For vehicles with fuel injection only.
For carburetor engines this light is used
as the carburetor choke tell-tale light.
Instrument cluster test mode
There are two types of LCD instru-
ment cluster that may be installed on a
Press the (daily) Trip counter reset
knob and simultaneously switch igni-
tion on (apply voltage to terminal 15 of
ignition switch and further to the instru-
ment cluster; the engine not running) to
activate the instrument cluster test
mode indicated as follows:
1. First type instrument cluster.
• The gauge pointers sway three
times full way; all characters on the
LCD and the fuel reserve tell-tale illu-
• Press and then release the reset
knob to show the number of the instru-
ment cluster firmware version (e.g. UEr
1.1, UEr 0.8, or other) on the daily/total
trip counter display. The indication
stays for about 20 seconds, after which
the instrument cluster automatically
resumes its normal mode of operation.
• Press/release the knob again to
display the last saved DTC.
• Reset the indication by depressing
the reset knob and holding it down for
over 5 seconds.
Read the display 15 seconds after
resetting as follows:
— «0» indicates that the system is
— «1» indicates a fault of the micro-
— «2» indicates an opening in the
fuel level sensor circuit;
— «4» indicates high on-board sys-
tem voltage (over 16 V);
— «8» indicates low on-board sys-
tem voltage (below 8 V);
— in case of multiple failures the
system displays a resulting code, which
is a sum of all the present fault codes,
e.g. «6» (2+4), «10» (2+8), «12» (4+8),
«14» (2+4+8).
• If the tachometer reads a signal
(the engine is running), the test mode is
canceled and the instrument cluster
switches to its normal operational
• In case of over- (16 V and higher)
or undervoltage (below 8 V) the gauge
pointers freeze until the fault is
2. Second type instrument cluster.
• A half-way sway of gauge pointers,
then a full sway, the clock/temperature
LCD reads «test», the daily/total trip
LCD displays 10123456789 in a creep-
ing line, and the fuel reserve tell-tale
• In case any of the instruments
reads an input signal (e.g. the engine is
running), the instrument cluster will
complete the test as per 2.1 and
resume its normal operation.
• In case of no input signals to the
cluster, the gauge pointers sway
halfway several times, then sway full
way, the clock/temperature LCD reads
«test», the daily/total trip LCD displays
10123456789 in a creeping line, and
the fuel reserve tell-tale illuminates.
• In case of over- (16 V and higher)
or undervoltage (below 8 V) the gauge
pointers freeze until the fault is
RE2115eng 23/04/2002 15:23 Page 17