If the vehicle steers sideways while
braking with the fully functional suspen-
sion, correct wheel alignment and nor-
mal tyre pressure, check the braking
Select a free passage on the road to
test the braking system of vehicle you
never drove before. Try braking at 40,
60 and 80 km/h.
Do not park your vehicle for a long
period with the parking brake applied to
avoid brake pad-to-drum binding.
To prevent brake pad-to-drum bind-
ing as a result of wet road driving or
sharp temperature alterations dry the
brakes by smooth service brake appli-
cation on your way to the parking lot.
Only after that you may apply the park-
ing brake and leave your vehicle for a
long period.
Tyres and safe driving
Sharp acceleration/deceleration,
low/high tyre pressure, untimely tyre
rotation, unbalanced wheels, driving at
high speeds on rough roads or incor-
rect wheel alignment visibly reduce tyre
service life. Driving with worn tread pat-
tern on a rainy day is dangerous —
there are no sipes, which provide pas-
sageway for the water being expelled
from under the tyre, and the tyre begins
to aquaplane. Use winter tyres (M+S
type) with or without spikes to drive in
RE2115eng 23/04/2002 15:23 Page 33