attempt to start up the engine the fuel
pump will be activated only with the
starter motor activation. At subsequent
attempts the fuel pump will be activated
with ignition switch-on. However, in
case of three consecutive failures to
start up the engine, the fuel pump will
once again be activated only with the
starter motor activation.
If you disconnect and then recon-
nect the storage battery cable on vehi-
cles with the ECM model MP7.0, which
do not have the VTD system (immobi-
lizer), wait 5 second between ignition
switch-on and the first attempt to start
the engine.
The interior ventilation and heating
controls are illustrated in Fig.32.
Slide knob 2 to direct air into the dri-
ver’s and passenger’s foot wells, or
through the central (8) and side (7) reg-
isters. Use shutter control levers 9 or 11
to redirect the air flow. To heat the sup-
plied air, slide knob 3, which controls
the heater valve. Adjust air stream
intensity by selecting a desired position
of switch 1.
By sliding control lever 4, you can
adjust intensity of the air stream com-
ing onto the windscreen through the
upper registers and onto the side win-
dows through registers 5. For maxi-
mum airflow shut the central and side
registers using slide-controls 10 and
12, then slide knob 2 rightwards and
knob 4 leftwards. Direct cold air on the
windscreen and side windows to
demist them, for defrosting also slide
knob 3 to the right.
Fig. 32. Interior ventilation and heating system
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