pant, sitting in the middle of the rear
seat, has a lap belt only.
Do not use the belt to restrain a child
sitting on the passenger’s lap.
If the belts are dirty, clean them with
soft soapy water. Never iron the seat
belts. The seat belt is subject to
mandatory replacement if it was sub-
jected to critical loads in a road acci-
dent or is chafed, torn or otherwise
Some models are available with an
airbag in the steering wheel being rec-
ognized by an inscription «AIRBAG»
on the steering wheel cover plate. The
airbag is designed as an additional pro-
tection, along with the seat belt, to the
driver’s safety during an accident. The
airbag is triggered at the head-on colli-
The airbag is a reliable mainte-
nance-free, self-contained unit of dis-
posable type. In order to ensure maxi-
mum protection and reduce possible
injuries during an accident, do not stick
any labels or fit any accessories to the
steering wheel. During inflation of the
airbag a small amount of powdery sub-
stance is emitted. This powder,
although harmless to health, may
cause skin or eye irritation. In case of
exposure to such powder wash the
eyes with water and clean the skin with
neutral soap. After the airbag trigger-
ing, do not touch the centre of the
wheel or cut off the airbag to avoid cuts
and burns. Replacement of the airbag
should be entrusted to your dealer. The
seat belts, exposed to critical loads,
must be replaced along with the airbag.
Use knob 2 to adjust exterior
rearview mirror 1 position (Fig. 16).
Some vehicles are equipped with elec-
trically-operated door mirrors.
Interior rearview mirror 2 (Fig. 17) is
adjusted by rotation on the pivot ball. To
avoid dazzling by the lights of upcom-
ing traffic change the mirror angle using
lever 1.
Some vehicles are equipped with an
antidazzle mirror, which does not have
a lever and cannot be adjusted.
Fig. 15. Seat belts
Fig. 14. Steering rake adjustment lever
RE2115eng 23/04/2002 15:23 Page 11