Maintenance Manual________________________________________________________________
94 __________________________________________________________________ M210886EN-G
When you select a device in the list, the communication settings of the port
are displayed on the right. Detailed settings depend on the communication
class, for some examples, see
Connection control
panel can be closed and opened by using the plus/
minus icon on the upper left corner of the panel.
Server selection drop-
down list
Available in duplicated systems only. Select which
server is used for connecting: Active, CDU A, or CDU
B. Note that when you connect to a device through
data line using the active server, you interrupt the flow
of automatic weather data from sensors to the end-
user applications. See section
Click the
button to close the connection.
Table 42
IO Terminal: Port Settings
Operation mode
Indicates whether the data is sensor data or simulated
Port class
Communication type (for example, serial, TCP Server,
TCP Client, or UDP).
Remote host
TCP/IP address of the remote host of TCP or UDP
Local port
TCP/IP address of the remote host of TCP or UDP
Baud rate
Baud rate setting of the serial port.
Data bits
Data bit setting of the serial port.
Parity setting of the serial port.
Stop bits
Stop bit setting of the serial port.
Flow control
Flow is used in serial communication.
Table 41
IO Terminal: Connection Control Panel Elements