Chapter 10 ________________________________________________________ Remote Monitoring
VAISALA______________________________________________________________________ 127
Troubleshooting Remote Monitoring
When making the service agreement, the settings needed for remote
monitoring have been defined together with Vaisala Service Center. If
there are problems with starting the remote monitoring services or using
remote monitoring, check that the settings are as agreed. For examples, see
the following:
Check that Axeda services are running.
Make sure that the service.vaisala.com address has been resolved as
tcp/ip address. For example, shell command tracert
service.vaisala.com should be able to resolve the address, though full
route may not be possible to determine.
Use the EKernel.exe -ping command in Axeda connector installation
directory (default C:\Axeda\Connector) to check if there is a
connection to the service.vaisala.com address.
Check your network settings:
http/https traffic to public internet is allowed either directly or
through proxy.
http-proxy and fire wall are set correctly.
Check network cables and devices.
The configuration items have been set correctly.
See also Axeda® Connector User’s Guide included in the delivery.